Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, March 4, 2011

Carnaval and FIRST STEPS!

Kids in Spain go to daycare and elementary school with costumes to celebrate Carnaval. (On a side note, it seems like kids here are always going dressed up for some occasion or other -- this from my still-somewhat-an-outsider point of view!) Aurora's daycare center announced a party for Carnaval, costumes optional. We didn't have a lot of time or energy to invest in the whole thing this week, but I rummaged up a sort of costume for her...I couldn't bear to pass up the occasion to dress her up as something and see if she thought it was fun. She did.

And this afternoon, after a long day of partying and downing a reported two hot dogs (plus veggie puré and yogurt for dessert) at daycare, Aurora took her first step forward. Twice. It's official. (Run for your life!)
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  1. ¡¡El ataque de la hawaiana de 50 pasos!!

    Siempre me hace sonreír esta muñequita.

    A mí también me parece que los niños se pasan la vida disfrazados, pero es desde hace relativamente poco tiempo, cuando yo era pequeña no nos disfrazábamos nunca o casi nunca, solo si te tocaba hacer de pastor/a en la función de Navidad y para de contar.

  2. HOOORAY FOR WALKING! Your back will be happier, trust me, but yeah, man the decks, she's on the loose!! Love the Carnival outfit - prepare yourself, there's always something goin' on at school/preschool/daycare that you have to prep for . . . . but the kids LOVE it all, so it helps when you're rummaging thru your reserves at 11 p.m. the night before!
